Humans have feelings and i used to think that i could control how i feel in 'Just a Heart Beat'. It is true , but supressing it would make things even worse. I know it is impossible to please everyone. If this continues, it might cause disorders. I think i have to deal with this before things turn out to be serious ...
I always have in mind that i don't really care how people would regard me, but indeed i mind. Constatntly thinking about what are in the minds of the people. Why should i care about how they feel when there are people who don't. You would tend to get tired by time because this is not 'YOU'. Having everything inside you that may cause a major disruption in life ... Don't try to pity me, i don't buy that ... don't try to be nice to make me feel better because that would only make it even worse !!!
I try not to be emotional and sensitive, but this is not the fact. The truth is i am. I'm very unsure about things and the future, about myself ... basically everything. People say, this is a phase and you would grow out of it. It is easy to say but it is not easy to do so. I am very sick of being worried about stuffs that i shouldn't be worrying about. Thinking too much ... Life is a challenge ... YES ... so i should just wait for things to screw and then mend it later ...
I finally figured out that being realistic is good in life, without being cruel, you would not survive in this harsh world. Damn it ... !!!
Instead, i should just end everything that does not make me feel good ... by this, it can make my life easier ... say whatever you like but this is my life and this is how i want it to be ... THE END !!!
I feel so much comfortable now ...
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