My Thing

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Do you have one too ???

How should i start this ... i was chatting online with a friend of mine around 2.30am in the morning when i received a very unexpected call from someone. I ws sorta shocked when i receive this call, as no one would call me at such wee hours. There was no number displayed on my cellphone screen ... only 'Unknown Number'. So, i answered the call by saying the normal 'Hello', but the other party didn't reply. I tried listening to the background sounds to see where and who is it caliing from. I was too innocent to think that this might be someone who has pressed my number by accident. To my surprise, what i heard was ... the sound of someone achieving orgasm ... GOSH !!!

I wasn't sure whether it was a female or a male, but i know that person who was at the other side of the phone was trying real hard to impress the receiver. But, it didn't work. I hung up the call immediately, and that someone called again. This time i just decided to switch my cellphone off. I think this is an act of sexual harassment to me but it might be 'his/her' fetish. I don't understand why people would do that, it is violating someone's life. Why not instead go get someone who has a similar interest. For the caller, what would he/she get from doing that? Was it supposed to arouse me? If it was, it didn't work. To make oneself 'high'? Should i shout to make him feel better? Maybe i should sing some festive season songs to turn that person off or perhaps religious hymns and chants. I wonder how would different people react to such situation. This is similar to the flasher situation.

Talking about fetishes, i know that there are many people who has this liking for a particular something. Some might wonder what is fetish? It states here at from WordNet that


1. a form of sexual desire in which gratification depends to an abnormal degree on some object or item of clothing or part of the body; "common male fetishes are breasts, legs, hair, shoes, and underwear"
2. a charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powers [syn: juju]
3. excessive or irrational devotion to some activity; "made a fetish of cleanliness"

So i did a little tour around some websites and this is what i found on

What is a Fetish?

Some people aren't sure if they even have a fetish while others think that their fetishes are abnormal. So what is a fetish? If you have a fetish, you are obsessively fixated on either an object or a body part, or both.
You need that specific something for sexual gratification. When you masturbate, you have to either fantasize about that object or have that object with you. Even if you have sex with a partner, you still need to fantasize about that object or have it present.

For instance, if you're attracted to a brunette, that's one thing, but if you are unable to get aroused unless you're with a brunette, then you likely have a fetish.

Types of Fetishes

There are many diverse kinds of fetishes, depending on the object being fetishized. Inanimate fetishes come in two varieties -- media and form.
In a media fetish, material is what is obsessed over. Media fetishes include rubber, leather, latex, and silk.

With a form fetish, it's the shape of the object that has great significance. Stiletto heels, knee-high boots and panties fall into this category.

Feet, hair, butts, breasts, and all that good stuff are also considered fetishes, but since these objects are human, they're called "animate" fetishes.

People can turn anything into a fetish. There are different degrees of fetishism: from mild to extreme. It's quite easy to tell whether your fetish is getting out of hand. Basically, if your fetish interferes with your relationship or your life, seek the help of a professional.

There are so many types of fetishes one can have, and here are some of the examples i obtained from AllExperts :

1. BDSM (B&D - Bondage & Discipline, D&S - Domination & Submission, S&M - Sadism & Masochism)
2. Hand Fetishism
3. Fart Fetishism
4. Muscle Fetishism
5. Uniform Fetishism
6. Smoking Fetishism
7. Fruit Fetishism
8. Stripping Fetishism
9. Lipstick Fetishism
10. Ear Fetishism

For more fetishes, you might want to try :
More Fetishes

Having fetishes doesn't mean that one is weird of psycho, but it is not proper if one inflict such plesaures to someone who isn't willing to perform or undergo it.

We won't realise that we have fetish/fetishes. Do you have one too???

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