My Thing

My Life , My World ...

Love to bake, bake to love ...

I have always wanted to learn baking, in my opinion, i think that it is another form of art, edible art.

Since i am having my so-called 'study-break', i decided to sign up for a one day baking class with my mom. The cakes that the chef taught us to bake - carrot cake, Belgian chocolate cake and raspberry muffin. I don't have to eat it to taste it, i can already smell i by saying it thrice. He he.

Well, what's next?

During the lesson, i realised that not everything is about art, but it is also about science. For instance, we have to use flour with a lower percentage of moisture to avoid the cake from being dry and hard, as water would evaporate. Besides that, we have to add homogenuous products together eg. water and eggs. We can not mix oil and water together as it doesn't mix. One an inorganic, another an organic. How scientific! It feels like i am having a lecture, have to write down notes, ask questions and observe.

So, i finally found that science is not just boring stuff, but it is everything around you that you may not even notice. I bet LOVE is also chemistry. Non?

Baking and cooking is also a way to show your love to your love ones. As it is all sincerely hand made. Forget about the hand made cakes you eat in hotels, that you have to pay. So that is not love, as love=worthless ...

The chef who taught us looked like Wilber Pan, for the benefit of those who don't know him, he is a Taiwanese singer. Really! From a certain angle.

After the baking class, i bought ingredients, so that i can hands on. We would never improve if we don't practice. Better do it now than after. People tend to forget and get lazy by time. It would be useless then.

This X'mas, i would be baking Rum n Raisin Muffins for my family and friends. To share and to care. I believe that by spreading love across, you will be loved. I would like to take this opportunity to wish those who are reading this a Merry Christmas!

X-tras :
I went to my granny's place to have a family reunion dinner today, as it was the first day of winter. It is a Chinese tradition to celebrate this day. We had nothing much to do after our dinner, and we recalled my uncle saying that his dog is gay. So, all my male cousins gave a light pat on his head to see what his reactions are. Guess what? His thing slid out from his foreskin. Aiks ... !!!

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