My Thing

My Life , My World ...

How do you name your -ex ???

Well, well ... "Katsingo Loyao" (Up my arse as it is sounded in Cantonese) ... one of the most anticipating film of the year ... luckily it didn't turn out as it sounded like his cantonese counterpart. It wasn't a let down ... instead it is worth while watching ...

This new breed of Bond is somewhat different from the previous ones, not to mention some - Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan etc. The current Mr Last Name-First Name-Last Name is no longer a Casanova, but we wouldn't know whether he will turn out to be one in the next. Say bye bye to over the top gadgets, elegant and unrealistic lifestyles and the no bruises and cuts Bond, the dreams of those who want to be a hero can now be fulfilled. James Bond is just like any of us, but he is a little tough and rough at the edge, not to mention smart too. He make mistakes and learn from it. So he is not as perfect as we have once pictured him before. This change of approach is to woo young audiences who thinks that unachievable missions are just full of craps and imaginations!!! Let us hope that Craig Daniel would bring back the almost dead Bond to life again. But what i dislike the most in the movie is when Mr Double-O Seven got his balls whipped by the big bad villian Le Chiffre. Imagine the pain inflicted on him. Ouch!!!

As i was reading up my Chemistry text book that evening, i came across pictures of chemicals in Pyrex beakers. Snap! My cheeky-mind came up with something straightaway.

I asked my sister, "What do you call Pyrex's dad?" She was too innocent to give me my answer , so, i told her "Durex" ... and she chuckled. She then asked me about the mom. I had a hard time figuring out when my mom walked by and answered " Kotex" - sweats .... All of a sudden, the whole house blasted into smoke of laughter ... we were laughing our heads off and who would have guessed that my mom could be that creative.

3 Responses to “How do you name your -ex ???”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    LOL! creative indeed...
    but many questions marks above my head now... wondering what answer ei lyn gave u... and what does the title u put had to do with ur post? non-related at all.. no answer to ur question...  

  2. # Blogger Orange

    actually my title is just to attract people's attention .. that's it, nuthin much ...  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Kotex ><  

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