My Thing

My Life , My World ...

Campo Italia

This blog is specially dedicated to the wonderful friends that i have met in Italy.

I bought a DVD a few weeks ago titled "L'aubergne Espagnole" (The Spanish Appartment). It was about this french student who applied for a student exchange programme. In Spain, he had to share an appartment with people from all over the world. There was a British, a German, an Italian, a Portuguese, a Swedish and a Spanish. They had to speak English to communicate as no one understood each others language. It is funny to see that people may misunderstand each other. One example in the movie was when this British girl had to answer a call. The call was from the French guy's mother. She asked the British, " Il est a le faq (as it sounded like fuck)?". She was so dumbfolded when she heard that. Faq? Why faq? What faq? The question was actually "Is he at the faculty?"

This movie reminded me of the time in Italy, when i had to spend a week in a summer camp with people of different nationalites. We learned and shared with each other and had a marvellous time there. It made me miss them so much. That is why, i thought of posting up this blog for the sake of the sweet memories we once spent together.

The Friends

The Drunk"skie" - Guy Kalei (Canada)
She is one of the best buddy in camp whom i got along well with. Funny, friendly, out-going and straight forward. She is always telling jokes that can make people laugh their heads off. One good laugher too, but can be emotional at times. She is always drunk, and would go "Drunkskie" everytime she gets tipsy.
The Country Singer - Amanda Wilson (America)
This girl can sing!!! She could definitely be the next American Idol. Sings like an angel. She can make all the people in the restaurant stop whatever they are doing and listen to her. She is another one whom i can click with. She can give you all the warm and friendly hugs when you need'em. My American sister, but so far till now i haven't send any mails to her yet.

The Belly Dancer - Ece Gizen (Turkey)
Conservative compared to the others but more open-minded than Malaysian muslims. A nice friend to be around with, can be a good listener and a good talker too. You can talk anything with her. Very caring and is always aware of the things that are happening around. She can make people fall for her charm. She can be a good dancer too.

The Austrian "James Bond" - Sebastien Eckl (Austria)
Crazy fella. Locked us up in the hotel room which made a friend of mine wanted to jump out of the window to look for help. Can be wild at times and gentle at others. I guessed it is mostly influenced by his English granny. He is always forcing people to drink and is the one who come up with stupid drinking games. Can't stop moving - hyperactive. Called him Bond as he looks and sounds like one(sometimes).

The Party Girl - Sabina Grasbeck (Finland)
This girl can party but not so much of a drinker. She can laugh at all the jokes and is a great speaker too. Very sexy and guys would fall for her easily. Very tempting. There was an Italian guy who drove all the way from another town to stalk her. Most of the guys would die to be with her.

The Latin Lover - Jose Leonidas (Honduras)
Very sexy, romantic. Speaks only Spanish and a little English. Send signals via eye contact. Hate people who smokes. Very out-going and funny at times. He was the one who nearly jumped off the window. Unfortunately, didn't really get to know him much as we were having the language barrier.

The Sweet Friend - Jenni Seitala (Finland)
Not much of a talker. Not wild, very motherly and kind. Would help you whenever she can. Not a smoker nor a drinker. Calm at all times. Enjoy times by herself.

The Danish Blonde - Sanne Graversen (Denmark)
She has a very deep and sexy voice. She was surprised when i told her abouth the facts of her country. She didn't expect an Asian to know so much about it and was embarassed for knowing nothing about mine. Friendly but don't enjoy talking that much. Prefer listening.
The Norweigian Teacher - Lena Gabrielsen (Norway)
Very wise. Can talk and discuss anything you come up with. Have strong opinions on her stand. Can speak perfectly well English. Corrects anyone when they make mistakes when using English. Mature compared to the rest of the friends.

Dutch "Arnold Schwarzenager" - Maarten Stadler (Netherlands)
The first friend i met when i arrived at the airport. Was my room mate for the week. Friendly, kind, funny. Don't be fooled by his size. He can be a gentle giant. We shared a lot during the period. One of my best buddy. Swapped flies using our slippers and t-shirts. Chain-smoker, can't resist. Burnt the bed-sheet while smoking on the bed.
I still can't forget the times we spent together in Italy. Really feel like meeting up with them one day, but i wonder when will that be?
Will post more of the pictures we took in Italy soon.

5 Responses to “Campo Italia”

  1. # Blogger Poh-E

    hello....emcee partner... sorry to tell you that I;ve found you and just realise u blog seems that u miss italy a lot!...ahaha  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    this is arnold speaking.. didnt know you wrote an log about our camp!

    your descriptions are just perfect!! well done!

    next year(2008) i want to go to china or malesia.. iam sure we will be in touch till than..

    than you can show me your house with the 2 kitchens.. and maybe the bar in thailand you told me about;)

    iam thinking about visiting sabina.. its hard to organize.. but i hope i'll go to finland:)

    smashing flies was so funny! all the flies went just right in our room.. it didnt smelled that bad.. didnt it??

    hope to see you soon..

    and dont forget, you can always come to visit me!!

    take care!  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Hey Yang!!.. hat was a beautiful blog.. it made me miss Italy soo much, and miss everyone more.., i love you loads!! hopefully i am able to come see you this summer.
    love alwyas and forever
    The One And hte Only

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  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Dear Yang,

    I just googled myself and found my photo and description. I hope you still receive messages from this website.

    Could you please delete my photo from your blog?? I don't like to have my information in the open like this.



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