My Thing

My Life , My World ...

The Asian Santa

I thought that i would have time to blog during my study break, but surprisingly, life is as busy as usual. But being busy is defintitely better than being free.
That is what i think, because it makes my life fuller.

My close friends and relatives know that i love performing arts a lot and they would surely get me involve in the activities held. As it is my passion of life! So far, i have done drag queen, long lost lover, Ebenezer Scrooge and some other roles that i can't recall now. This time again, i am asked by my aunt to work together with dancers from Australia for a mall performance at Times Square 3 weeks ago, and my role is SANTA.

I got the script 2 days before the presentation and i had to coordinate with the kids who are singing and dancers who are dancing. Although it was not that much of work to be done, but the last minute notice is more than the excitement.

For me being Santa, i had to stuff pillows under my costumes to make me look more fat and full, as my original size was so much far off the size of Santa. It was so warm under the costume and it made me perspire madly like a pig. Imagine, i had to dance with all those excessive weight. It was so inconvenient. Fortunately it didn't slip off, for not it would be damn embarassing. Other than that, i was a little shy being a Santa, as who am i??? An asian guy pretending to be a Santa in front of Caucasians? Who cares anyway ... we are living in a globalised world. Anyone can be Santa, Caucasians can also be 'Monkey King'.

However, on the day of performance, more responsibilities were thrown on me. I had to dub my voice for the 3 wise men from the Orient behind stage. I even had to sing! People who have heard me singing know that my singing sucks! In the end, all the challenge and work paid off, as the satisfaction obtained is immeasurable. It is sometimes enjoyable to work with people of different age group and nationalities. We wouldn't know the chemistry it can create unless we really try working on it.

The Australians say that they might come back over to Malaysia next year to work with us on a charity show. We are looking forward to this as we had a great time working with them.

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