My Thing

My Life , My World ...

Who Pranked ME ???

I was strolling to my car 2 days ago after dance practice when i noticed that there is a paper clipped on my wind screen. I was a little surprise when i read the first line, but then i was struck by misbelief and laughed my head off after that.

" To : The Owner Of The Car

This is the last warning . Do not park your car at my premises!! Pull out of Mr Nottingham. I Warn You!!!Don't think you can dance very well!!!

From : Your Worse Nightmare "

This is what is written on that piece of paper. To clarify things, first, i am not parking simply anywhere nor blocking any other vehicles. Second, i am parking inside the university's compound and who is that to say that that spot is your premise. Third, i don't mind pulling out of Mr Nottingham (a competition for our university student, something like a prom king kinda thing) . Fourth, if i can dance i would already be a professional! So, what is stated is not accurate and precise enough to defend his/her stand. Well, i found out that this was done by one of my friend and her boyfriend. What a prank ... he he ... Anyway, it is something to laugh about.


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