My Thing

My Life , My World ...

Really Blogging This Time ...

It is a holiday today and i feel kinda moody. No idea why. Maybe it is because of the weather. Woke up real late today in the afternoon, went for lunch and got back to my physics lab report. I took a hell lot of time finishing it, but then i am quite satisfied with the outcome. Beyond that, my day wasn't that cheerful.

I watched the new series of "6 Feet Under" on HBO this evening and then i found out that life is sometimes pathetic. The way people die, the conflicts, internal struggles ... all sorts of problems that may occur anytime in life to anyone. Maybe it is the show that caused me to feel so depressed. But i enjoy the movie, cause it potrays the "real life". I do sometimes feel like there is something missing in my life, a part of me that i am still searching for every moment. It is very subjective, like an illusion, a hallucination. You can feel it but you don't know what it is. It is kinda annoying for not knowing the thing that is there which you don't even know whether it even exist. All the guesses, hypotheses. It may sound very contradicting, but it is not something not to be believed.

Things happen at the wrong moment at times, and not to deny everyone experiences it. So it depends on the individual on how to mend things and keep it on the right track. I just hate it when i watch romantic flicks at an improper timing... people hugging, kissing and giving love. Aiks ... coz it doesn't only makes me feel jealous but also feel sick. Why can't i have something that they have. People usually go around you, give you a pat on the back showing grieving looks and say ... "Get over it. Start anew." or "You can't compare your life with the others. It will only bring disappointmnet in life." But i bet, people can't think reasonably at that state as their mind are occupied with too much negative energy. So, some "time" would be the best remedy. Not too long, just sufficient and adequate time.

It is a part of growing and finding yourself in the path of life. Nobody can help us, it is all up to us. Don't blame, take some time off (take a deep breath), look for a resolution and then get along with it. Life is short and we don't have much time to waste on a particular problem. As there are much more for us to do in life. Yang's quote : " Don't live your life a problem!"

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