My Thing

My Life , My World ...

Multi Tasking

I have always believed that one can only be successful if one can multi-task. It may seem easy to do many things at once, but in fact, it is not as simple as it seems to be. It is said that girls have a higher capability of coping with several tasks instantaneously than boys. What do you think?

I sort of agree with that statement, because i have challenged myself in to that before, and the result is, i am no different than the rest. In the end boys are still boys. Boys perform better when focusing on a particular subject while girls are better off with multi. Which is better - To multi task or to stick with one?

Dad once questioned me, 'Do you want to be the master of one or jack of all trades?' Well, my answer would be ... all-rounded. Wouldn't it be good if one know some of everything? In this case, it would be easier for the person to mix around with people from all walks of life. Knowing a certain thing only makes a person rigid and limited.

Sometimes, i envy people who are really good at doing their thing. I feel bad for myself for not being able to fill my 'half glass full'. Lots of glass, but none full. Mom has also her opinion on this topic, she asked me if i prefered several blunt knives that could only hurt a being or a sharp one that kills.

Now i am scratching my head for answers and guidance.

See, this is one of the main factor that is troubling me in life. UNCERTAINTY. I've once again encounter this problem, that is to study and work part-time at the same time or not. Should i just focus on studies or multi-task and learn to manage my time? I know humans cannot be greedy and has to settle with one choice, but one chooses what is best for them. What is best for me? I suppose it is only me who can provide the answer to my question. Think Yang ... decide!

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